My fav scripture musicals.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Temple of Dice

This is the temple of dice from the front
and the side.

This is the temple when it is crushed by

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Willard Schools is Correct!

I am going to Willard schools and we think we might have a house just mabey. We will be near Grammy in Willard. I am excited that I will be going to a different school I am a little nervous but I'll have to live with it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Glad That We Are Selling The House

This is a picture of the evil, murderous, killer wasps that attacked me I have a huge white circle on my arm it hurts pretty bad acctually. Now I am glad that we are selling the house that comes with really mean wasps. They didn't even have to build a home, they stole the gutter. I leaned only near it and the guard (that they really have gaurding the door of their home) came flying out and stung me. I wish I was more like my mom she has never gotten stung by a bee or wasp lucky her. Dad stuck up for me though and grabed the power washer and attacked them right back. That better teach them.

For Grammy

The site for my blog is that is how you get to my blog.

Leaving Friends

Now that it is for sure that we are moving we have to say bye to our friends. Here are some good times we have had with our friends.
Here is Kyndie and Ammon with there best friends,
Emma and Sara.

What 6th Grade School Will I Go To?

What 6th grade shcool will I go to?
What town, what school, when will school start? It is all a question to me, are we moving to Arizona, are we moving to Springfield where, where, where is what I want to know. You can give me tips in the comments.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My first post

This is the first post I have ever done I am very excited to have a blog of my own. I will be bloging for my family because my mom is to busy. So there will be stuff about my brothers and sister. I will be happy to blog for my family.